How Does it Work?
What does it cost?
You may be wondering how we pay for all the perks, maintenance and deliveries in Cat Neighbourhood. Cat-loving people provide some of the funding for us. This is one of the reasons humans are allowed (limited) access to Cat Neighbourhood. We have specialist Cat Cafés and People Parks where the friendliest among us can volunteer to spend a few hours a week being cute and purring in the presence of soft-hearted chumps cat fanciers who pay for the privilege. This duty is on a volunteer basis and no people-hating or feral cats will ever be asked to participate.
The rest of our income comes from our investments in businesses all over the world that enhance the lives of cats. Our investment group ensures you receive all of CN’s wonderful benefits free of charge - just for being a cat!
Rules for Cat Neighbourhood
Rules for Residents
Cats who consistently hurt other cats seriously are expelled from Cat Neighbourhood back into the human world. Fighting is allowed, but there are fight-free zones you can move to if you feel especially lazy or frail. Every Friday night there are free exhibition fights in the main arena and everyone is free to participate.
Please don’t leave a small animal or bird you have hunted maimed and alive. When you’re done, dispatch it. Consistent violators will be ticketed and have park access restricted.
Rules for People
Only cat loving people are admitted. Humans must abide by all guidelines while in Cat Neighbourhood and must leave by nightfall or stay in our locked human hotel. You can visit them, but they can't leave the hotel premises until morning - leaving the night to the cats!
The hotel has wifi and premium cable to entertain your guest with LOLcat and films if you choose not to show up (your perogative) or if you enjoy snoozing in a human lap while they watch tv.
How to Apply
The Cat Grapevine
Simply send a message along the Cat Grapevine and we’ll give you a tour and an interview. If you’re a cat you’ll already know what the Cat Grapevine is and how to use it. If you don’t know, you’re not a cat and so even if we wanted to explain it - which we don’t - you wouldn’t understand.
Tell your feline friends about us! Cat Neighbourhood is open to all cats.